
Missions at HBC

 “It’s not so much that God has a mission for the church in the world, but that God has a church for mission in the world… mission was not made for the church; the church was made for mission — God’s mission.”

– Theologian, Christopher J. Wright

We believe the quote above captures not only the heart of the Gospel, but also our vision for mission at Hertiage Baptist Church. By its very nature, the Church is a community of believers who joyfully celebrate their salvation in Christ and in response go into the world as ambassadors of God’s love.  Our purpose for mission, then, is to join God in ushering the Kingdom of God to our world by discerning where it is God has called us and, with love and grace, responding urgently to the needs of our neighbors both at home and around the globe.

As a missional congregation, Heritage thinks and acts “glocally.”  We are committed to caring for others both in the local community and around the globe.

We’ve sent lay missionaries to Haiti, Cuba, Ecuador, Liberia and Mexico.  We’ve sent teams to aid in disaster relief efforts in Florida, south Georgia, Mississippi, and Alabama.  Our youth have made mission trips to major cities and southeastern states (New York City, Miami, Atlanta, Washington, D.C., Florida, North Carolina) as well as international trips to Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Switzerland, the Czech Republic and Canada.  Our church family has partnered with World Relief to help a family from Iraq immigrate and settle in the Cartersville area, and annually prepares 20,000 food pouch meals in a one-day Operation Inasmuch “Food Pack” ministry.

In short, we believe God has called us be “witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth,” (Acts 1:8).  We invite you to see the different ways we embrace this call, and we hope you will consider becoming involved in these ministries as well.